


Gaur, martxoaren 12an, Barakaldon, BEC_en ondoan zuhaitz landaketa egin dugu. Heldu garenean Epi izeneko mutil batek azaldu digu nola landatzen diren zuhaitzak. Gero zazpi
taldetan banatu gara. Hiru zuhaitz landatu ditugu: Pagoa, Haritza eta Astigarra. Aitzurra, pala, mailua eta estaka erabili ditugu landatzeko. Astigarra landatzean harri handi bat zegoen lurran
eta laguntza eskatu ondoren batek eman zigun. Oso gustora egon gara, oso polita eta interresgarria izan baita.
Ruben, Maria eta Cristian.


Describing cities


Madrid is a beautiful, old city. It´s the capital of Spain. There are museums, shops and beautifuls parks. Popular places to are Cibeles, Neptuno´s fountain and Towers Quio. The Cibeles is near the bank of Spain and the Towers Quio are on the centre. The main lenguage is Spanish.


Describing cities

Venice is in the northeast of Italy. Venice was built over an island. The population of Venice is about three hundred and twenty thousand. A lot of tourists go to visit Venice. The main language is Italian, but some people speak Veneto.
In this city there aren´t cars or buses , there are boats and narrow streets . In Venice there are many famous buildings. There are museums, four hundred bridges and one hundred and fifty canals. Popular places to visit are the Bridge of Sighs, the Bridge Rialto, the tower of the clook, San Marco Square and the Peggy Gugghengheim museum. The Carnival in Venice is famous. They make beautiful mascs.
By: Olatz


Describing cities


Bilbao is an old and beautiful city.It is in Bizkaia,the Basque Country. It is on the River Nervion. Bilbao is seven hundred years old. There are many restaurants, hotels, shops, museums, libraries...
There are also parks and a famous football stadium.Popular places to visit are: Guggenheim museum, Maritime museum, the Fine Arts and Arriaga theatre.
The main languages are Spanish and Basque.The population of Bilbao is about five hundred thousand.

by: Rubén


Discribing Animals

It lives in Missisipi river.It has got a very big mouth with sharp teeth. It is green. It eats birds, rats and other animals. It has got a very long and strong tail. It swims very fast.

Unai Cordón